Planes, Trains, Carpool and Thrillrunning
Part 2
Gas is $3.87 per gallon in most places that I see in L.A. We are on the cusp of $4.00 a gallon gasoline my friends. I’m really surprised people seem to be okay with this. I’m surprised people just keep filling up their vehicles like normal. I have started looking at a combination of travel methods between Echo Park and Valencia. I’m driving 70 miles a day, and would love to save some miles on my trusty VW. A good friend and colleague named Memphis has encouraged me to consider the train that runs from Grand Central all the way to Valencia. It’s about $12 round trip but I could use the 45 minute ride to read or write, plus it would take one more car off the freeway for a day.
And even though I may pay more initially, my goal is to make the VW last as long as possible and drive less.
Memphis suggested I run from the train station to work, that way I could get my excercise in too. I’m still considering the logistics.
So far driving may still be less expensive. But the train is at least a viable option that I could possibly break even. It’s probably safer too. I think in order to drive less and save money I’ll have to look at multiple modes of transit. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.
Thanks for checking in.
Stephen A. Thomas